Waitrose and Partners
Creamy beans & kale with parmesan garlic bread

Creamy beans & kale with parmesan garlic bread

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Just four ingredients and ready in 15 minutes

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  • Serves2
  • CourseLunch
  • Prepare7 mins
  • Cook8 mins
  • Total time15 mins

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  • 1 pack Waitrose Roasted Garlic Flatbread
  • 1 pack essential Waitrose Grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese
  • 400g Essential Cannellini Beans
  • 1 pack cavolo nero


  1. Preheat the oven to 220ºC, gas mark 6. Scrape 2 tsp garlic butter from the flatbread and reserve. Scatter 2 tbsp parmesan over the flatbread and bake according to pack instructions.

  2. Sizzle the reserved garlic butter in a saucepan, then tip in the beans, with the water from the can. Season and simmer for 5 minutes, mashing a little, until creamy. Add an extra splash of water if needed.

  3. Tear in 100g cavolo nero, in little pieces, discarding the stems, and allow to wilt. Remove from the heat and stir in 3 tbsp cheese or to taste, with plenty of black pepper.

  4. Serve scattered with more cheese and the bread, cut into sticks, on the side. Some extra virgin olive oil or chilli flakes will go well over the top.

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