Domain | Cookie Name | Description |
| The purpose of this cookie is technical monitoring of the server load
Example content: "s=1522793539673&r="
This cookie is used to decide if a customer sees the message that explains why they're seeing their My John Lewis benefits on Waitrose.
| JSESSIONID | As our website is split over several servers to improve
performance, this cookie allows us to direct the visitor's
requests to the same server each time, increasing the speed
of the website. Example content: "00009YWx_QLozIjz7x64a0
mMGWC:14re3c682" |
| WC_ACTIVEPOINTER | This cookie remembers which branch a visitor has previously
selected. This is important as different branches have
different ranges of products, so we can use this cookie to
determine which products to display to the visitor when they
browse our website. Example content: "-11,10235" |
| WC_AUTHENTICATION_{####} | This cookie provides security when using the website: if a visitor has left their browser open and not logged out, this cookie will ensure that they are automatically logged out after 30 minutes of inactivity.
Example content: "%2d1002%2cHGDjhX1NgRbML72pDAquqLDZzGQ%3d" |
| WC_GENERIC_ACTIVITYDATA | This cookie remembers the preferences of a guest visitor, such as which language or branch they choose, so that we can personalise the site for them when they return.
Example content: "[2290123714:true:false:0:SXMArLeVRxtqe4lTMN9tCEJQFG8=][
&null&null&null&null&null&null&null&null&null&null&null]" |
| WC_PERSISTENT | If a visitor selects the Remember Me option when logging on to the website, this cookie allows us to remember them
when using the website at a later date from the same device. On returning, visitors will be able to view certain pages as if they were logged in, however if they view or change any personal information or checkout, they will be prompted to login.
Example content: "DRro3RrjuIRp4hAewnaE/+tbTPk=;2018-04-15+09:51:36.397_1523782211119-113140_10235
_485599810,-11,GBP_10235" | | WC_SESSION_ESTABLISHED | This cookie is used to check we have stored a visitor's data in the secure fast-access part of our server. This ensures
a faster website, which means a more efficient visit.
Example content: "true" | | Â
| This cookie helps us recognise a visitor so we can display a welcome message and they can post comments on our
forums and recipes.
Example content: "YmFjayBNciBZYW5pbg==" | | WC_USER_REMEMBERED | This cookie helps us recognise a visitor so we can display a welcome message and they can post comments on our
forums and recipes.
Example content: "TXIgWWFuaW4=" | | WC_USERACTIVITY_-{####} | This cookie allows us to identify a logged in customer and their various preferences, such as preferred language and
which product assortment is relevant to them. It helps us to personalise the website for each visitor.
Example content: "485599810,10235,0,null,1523782296404,1523784892716
,null,null,null,null,q+LGSHqk7yFIvGCFofeA6+/qhIqeTELJl33Tc8wOPsKr4tdcWmzwzAMzpYN+2ZPey7co+1f/c53J z7whM
9vzStyES9kPJbeYP30l56bpCz8FY3r/tpi9c6MtmaG7uWDXYTO0hCQz/2g9bGDSerrx2ECA ng6+vZubDyT+CetduB
vvl2FdQmPRCjUqtHJ71MguFJSm4RKxKgcTeC4kXAgYhpU7fZw=" | | ADRUM_BT1 | The purpose of this cookie is technical monitoring of the server load Example content: "R:0|i:780667|e:17" | | ADRUM_BTa | The purpose of this cookie is technical monitoring of the server load Example content: "R:0|g:37d29b70-8871-
4cb2-8572-41675121d6c8" | | ADRUM_BTs | The purpose of this cookie is technical monitoring of the server load Example content: "R:0|s:f" | | JSESSIONID | As our website is split over several servers to improve performance, this cookie allows us to direct the visitor's
requests to the same server each time, increasing the speed of the website.
Example content: "00009YWx_QLozIjz7x64a0mMGWC:14re3c682" | | sc.ASP.NET_SESSIONID | That is a cookie that ASP.NET uses to store a unique identifier for a site visit. ASP.NET is a Microsoft
framework for building websites.
Example content: "jao0igprxhnqq2wupzk3aia4" | | sc.UserId | That is a cookie that ASP.NET uses to store a unique identifier for a user. ASP.NET is a Microsoft framework for building
Example content: "da71d3e0-ebfc-4e2c-b38d-5e777189f80e" | | wecInvalidation | This cookie allows our platform to manage trolley data displayed to customers.
Example content:
HeaderDetails|http:MegaMenuCollection|" | | wtr_ca | This cookie is used as a flag to see if the web browser has been shown the cookie warning banner. If the cookie is
not found then the banner is shown and the cookie is placed. If it is found then no banner is shown. Example content: "1" | | WTR_PERSISTENT | This cookie helps us to identify returning customers from the same device and will be able to view certain pages as if they were logged in, however if they view or change any personal information or checkout, they will be prompted to login. Example content: "1" | | WTR_SSR_USER | This cookie helps us to identify a group of visitors, the cookie will be used to render page on server side | | wtr_status | This session cookie is set during a successful login. It contains no 'real' data, but helps to display the header
(signed in vs Guest) | | wtr_wc_np | This cookie helps us to redirect specific set of users to our new platform (beta site). | | access_token | This cookie contains a unique authentication token that remembers the identity of an authenticated visitor to the
website. Example content: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhd WQiOiJ3YWl0cm9zZS5jb20iLCJpc3MiOiJ3YWl0cm9zZS5j
Wl0cm9zZS5jb20vdG91Y2hwb2ludCI6IldFQl9BUFAifQ.3WR_8cA6giTSXMK7dcW3hShKaBTrQNWBW3RuoZElZ3M" | | refresh_token | This cookie contains a unique authentication token that can keep an authenticated website visitor signed in for up to 30 days. Example content: "ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff" |
| akacd_mfe_phased_release_prod
| While we release versions of pages powered by new applications, this cookie allows us to gradually and safely increase the share of traffic to the new version
| mfe_enabled
| While we release versions of pages powered by new applications, this cookie allows us to direct the visitor's requests to the same version each time, during a single session |