zoom Martha Collison's goat's cheese & sun-dried tomato bites

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    Martha Collison's goat's cheese & sun-dried tomato bites

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    Martha Collison's goat's cheese & sun-dried tomato bites

    • Vegetarian
    • Preparation time: 20 minutes
    • Cooking time: 25 minutes
    • Total time: 45 minutes

    Makes: 20 - 25


    Choux bun batter (from my basic choux pastry recipe)
    75g drained sun-dried tomatoes
    125g pack English soft goat’s cheese
    200ml double cream
    Black pepper
    ½ x 25g pack basil, finely chopped


    1. Make a batch of choux buns and bake as directed (in my basic choux pastry recipe). Take the drained sun-dried tomatoes and finely chop three quarters of them and thinly slice the rest. Beat together the goat’s cheese, double cream and a little black pepper until smooth and light, then fold in the finely chopped tomatoes and most of the basil.

    2. Spoon the mixture into a piping bag and use to fill each choux bun. Squeeze a small smear onto the top of each bun, then top with a slithers of tomato and a few pieces of basil.

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